reading time: 2 min.

Donkey Massacre Case: Suspect Threatens Journalists

Donkey Massacre Case: Suspect Threatens Journalists

As the investigation into the killing of 16 wild donkeys in Dipkarpaz continues, four suspects remain in custody for an additional two days. Among them, Yenierenköy-Dipkarpaz Municipal Council member from the Republican Turkish Party (CTP), Evren Dağ, allegedly issued threats against journalists.

Publish Date: 26/02/25 15:08
reading time: 2 min.
Donkey Massacre Case: Suspect Threatens Journalists
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Court Extends Detention of Suspects

The four suspects, arrested in connection with the brutal shooting of wild donkeys, appeared before İskele District Court today, which ruled for a two-day extension of their detention.

According to the investigating officer, searches were conducted on February 25 at the homes of 14 individuals identified as firearm owners. During these searches, shotgun shells matching those used in the incident were found, leading to the arrest of Durmuş Durmuş and Umut Durmuş.

Additionally, Turan Kalın was detained after authorities discovered that his registered shotgun was missing its barrel, while Evren Dağ was arrested for failing to produce his registered firearm upon police request.

Key Evidence Still Missing

The police stated that the missing barrel of the weapon used in the crime has yet to be recovered, and its discovery could be crucial in determining the final outcome of the case. The suspects' mobile phones have been seized as evidence, and the investigation remains ongoing.

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