reading time: 3 min.

Şahali: Dipkarpaz Donkey Massacre is an Attack on Cultural Heritage

Şahali: Dipkarpaz Donkey Massacre is an Attack on Cultural Heritage

Republican Turkish Party (CTP) MP Erkut Şahali has condemned the recent donkey massacre in Dipkarpaz, stating that it is not only an attack on living creatures but also an assault on the country’s cultural heritage.

Publish Date: 27/02/25 13:40
reading time: 3 min.
Şahali: Dipkarpaz Donkey Massacre is an Attack on Cultural Heritage
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Speaking to Kıbrıs Postası TV, Şahali emphasized that the killing of donkeys is unacceptable and that these animals represent an important cultural symbol. He criticized the authorities for neglecting the issue, pointing out that while donkeys cause agricultural damage, officials have failed to take preventive measures to protect farmers.

"Killing Donkeys is Not a Solution"

Şahali argued that in the absence of state intervention, people have resorted to taking matters into their own hands. However, he stressed that killing donkeys is not a viable solution. "This is absolutely unacceptable. Donkeys have as much right to live as we do," he said.

He also criticized the government for failing to address various issues, including traffic, the environment, and the economy, saying that the failure to find a solution for the donkey problem was just another example of mismanagement.

"The Country is Facing Economic Collapse"

Turning to the economic situation, Şahali warned of a financial crisis, accusing government officials of denying the reality. "We live with the frustration of knowing that what we can afford today will be beyond our reach tomorrow," he said.

He highlighted that according to the law, the minimum wage should allow a four-person household to meet basic living standards. However, while the cost of living adjustment for the past four months was calculated at 11.12%, the government only increased the minimum wage by 7.5%, which he described as another blow to workers.

"The government is essentially telling minimum-wage earners to go out less, buy fewer goods, spend less, and eat less in order to survive," Şahali stated.

"Electronic Pricing System Still Not Implemented"

Şahali also criticized Economy and Energy Minister Olgun Amcaoğlu for failing to implement an electronic price-tag system, despite repeatedly promising it. He noted that when confronted about the issue, Amcaoğlu often responds defensively.

"The Economy is Shifting to South Cyprus"

Şahali argued that it is impossible to deny the fact that the economy is shifting towards South Cyprus. He pointed out that many Turkish Cypriots now prefer to do their shopping in the South, where prices are lower.

"Anyone who claims that the economy has not shifted to South Cyprus is deceiving themselves. Many people pay just 25 euros for annual insurance to cross the border, and while this may seem like an unnecessary expense, the savings they make on shopping in the South more than compensate for it," he said.

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