reading time: 3 min.

Colin Stewart: Economic Isolation of the North Is a Major Burden

Colin Stewart: Economic Isolation of the North Is a Major Burden

UN Secretary-General’s Special Representative in Cyprus and Head of the UN Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP) Colin Stewart stated that the economic isolation of North Cyprus is a significant burden and challenge for those living in the region.

Publish Date: 27/02/25 13:54
reading time: 3 min.
Colin Stewart: Economic Isolation of the North Is a Major Burden
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Stewart made the remarks during an event at Ledra Palace Hotel, where the Cyprus Dialogue Forum introduced the Labour Market Guide, a digital database containing comprehensive economic and labor market data from across the island. The guide, available in three languages, marks the first time such data has been compiled into a shared platform.

Stewart: Initiatives Like This Are Key to a Political Solution

In his opening speech, Stewart emphasized the importance of compiling shared economic data, particularly in overcoming unilateral narratives on the island. He highlighted the European Union’s support for the project and noted that such efforts contribute to increased interaction between both sides, fostering steps toward a resolution.

Stewart underlined that millions of people travel between North and South Cyprus for economic reasons, stressing that economic cooperation is crucial. He described such initiatives as fundamental building blocks of any political solution.

"Economic Isolation of the North Is a Serious Burden"

Pointing to the economic disparities between the two sides as one of the most pressing aspects of the Cyprus issue, Stewart stated, "The economic isolation of the North is a serious burden and challenge for those living there."

He noted that empirical data collected over the past 50 years confirms this reality, adding, "Unfortunately, the measures taken within the solution process have not yielded positive results." Stewart further remarked that "the North has become increasingly dependent on Turkey economically, while economic ties between the North and South have weakened due to isolation."

Bertezzolo: The Guide Is Crucial for Policy Development

Speaking at the event, Head of the European Commission’s Cyprus Settlement Support Unit, Giulia Bertezzolo, commended the efforts of the working groups that contributed to the guide. She stressed that the guide brings together previously fragmented and inaccessible data, helping to address misinformation and incorrect assumptions about the island’s labor market.

Bertezzolo described the guide as "critical for finding solutions and formulating evidence-based policies." She expressed hope that this effort would continue with further policy recommendations, especially as negotiations are expected to resume soon.

"Even the discussions you held while preparing this guide show that a middle ground can be found and a common stance can be developed," Bertezzolo stated, adding that such cooperation gives hope for the future.

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