reading time: 1 min.

Tatar: "Maronites Have Made a Significant Contribution to the Country’s Cultural and Religious Diversity"

Tatar: "Maronites Have Made a Significant Contribution to the Country’s Cultural and Religious Diversity"

President Ersin Tatar, during his meeting with Maronite Archbishop Selim Sfeir, emphasized that the Maronite community has played an important role in enriching the country's cultural and religious diversity.

Publish Date: 28/02/25 14:11
reading time: 1 min.
Tatar: "Maronites Have Made a Significant Contribution to the Country’s Cultural and Religious Diversity"
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According to a statement from the Presidency, Tatar reaffirmed that different faiths and cultural values are safeguarded under the existing laws in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.

Highlighting the importance of coexistence in harmony and peace, Tatar stressed that maintaining and strengthening the friendly relations between the Turkish Cypriot people and the Maronites is of great significance.

Maronite Archbishop Selim Sfeir, in turn, expressed his appreciation for the efforts to enhance these relations and thanked President Tatar for his interest and sensitivity towards the Maronite community. Sfeir also conveyed his gratitude for the constructive stance taken to foster mutual understanding and cooperation.

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