reading time: 2 min.

MHP Leader calls Demirtaş Over Peace Process

MHP Leader calls Demirtaş Over Peace Process

Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) Chairman Devlet Bahçeli has thanked Selahattin Demirtaş, jailed former leader of the defunct Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP), for his support for the ongoing efforts to end terrorism in Turkey.

Publish Date: 03/03/25 13:24
reading time: 2 min.
MHP Leader calls Demirtaş Over Peace Process
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According to the reports, Bahçeli has called and expressed his thanks to Demirtaş who declared his readiness to contribute to the ongoing process through a statement he made from prison. Demirtaş has been behind bars since 2016 over his alleged links to the PKK terror organization.

Media reports suggest that it was a rather “positive” dialogue between the two men.

PKK has announced its readiness to abide by the PKK’s jailed leader Abdullah Öcalan’s historic call for the dissolution of the terror organization and ending the armed conflict as part of a process that was launched by Bahçeli in October 2024.

“The Turkish nation is writing a new history. A terror-free Turkey, a peaceful Turkey, a superpower Turkey is a goal that will be achieved immediately, not tomorrow, and is entrusted to our political honor,” Bahçeli said in a written statement issued on March 1 after PKK made its announcement.

“In order to pave the way for the implementation of leader Apo's call for peace and democratic society, we are declaring a ceasefire effective from today,” PKK said in a statement, referring to Öcalan.

Alongside the ceasefire, the terror group announced its plan to initiate direct negotiations.


Source: HDN 

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