reading time: 3 min.

Tourism Sector Fails to Meet Expectations in 2024

Tourism Sector Fails to Meet Expectations in 2024

Despite being regarded as the "driving force of the economy," the tourism sector once again fell short in 2024, with average occupancy rates proving disappointing.

Publish Date: 03/03/25 14:02
reading time: 3 min.
Tourism Sector Fails to Meet Expectations in 2024
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Although the total bed capacity in tourist accommodation facilities rose to 27,624, the occupancy rate remained at a low 43.6%. This figure indicates that more than half of the available tourist beds remained empty throughout the year.

In 2023, hotels recorded an average occupancy rate of 44.4%, the highest in the past four years. However, contrary to official statements, occupancy rates declined last year.

A review of the past decade shows that 2024’s occupancy rates were higher than those recorded during the pandemic years (2020-2022) but lower than those of the 2015-2019 period and 2023.

The highest occupancy rate in the last ten years was recorded in 2017 at 58.5%. Meanwhile, rates in 2018 (51.3%) and 2019 (50.4%) have remained unmatched. Before 2020, occupancy rates had never dropped below 45%, but for the past five years, they have consistently remained below this threshold.

A Challenging Year for Tourism

Industry representatives describe 2024 as another difficult year. They highlight that something is fundamentally wrong, as figures indicate a persistent struggle. Aside from casino hotels, most tourism facilities have been operating at critically low occupancy levels for years.

The highest occupancy rate recorded last year was 61.5% in August, yet even this figure fell short of the 67.6% recorded in August 2023.

Recent data for the June-September period suggests that the sector has been unable to fully capitalize on summer tourism. Experienced tourism professionals attribute this decline to flawed policies, arguing that North Cyprus is losing its appeal as a destination for sun, sea, and beach tourism.

According to the Ministry of Tourism, there are currently 169 active tourist accommodation facilities in the country, with a total bed capacity of 27,624. Kyrenia leads the sector with 78 facilities and 15,058 beds, accounting for 46% of the tourism industry. İskele follows with a 19% share, while Famagusta, Nicosia, Lefke, and Güzelyurt make up the rest of the market.


Source: Haber Kıbrıs

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