reading time: 6 min.

Tatar: "I Have Already Made My Decision, I Am Running for Presidency"

Tatar: "I Have Already Made My Decision, I Am Running for Presidency"

President Ersin Tatar has announced his candidacy for the presidency, stating, "I have already made my decision."

Publish Date: 04/03/25 11:25
reading time: 6 min.
Tatar: "I Have Already Made My Decision, I Am Running for Presidency"
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Speaking on the Sabah Postası program, hosted by Gökhan Altıner on Kıbrıs Postası TV, Tatar addressed current issues and confirmed his candidacy.

"I am running for president. I have already made my decision. What matters now is who will support me," Tatar declared.

Responding to criticisms regarding his visits and political relations, Tatar pointed to the recent increase in the number of tourists, students, and investors, stating, "People say that the President has good relations with us." He emphasized his respect for the public’s decision and added, "Even if you do not share my views, I have taken politics much further since becoming President."

Highlighting the significance of defending his political stance in Geneva, Tatar acknowledged potential constitutional challenges in running as a party candidate but expressed his affinity for the UBP.

Tatar also assessed Turkey’s recent advancements, stating, "Thanks to Erdoğan, Turkey has made great progress. There have been significant developments regarding the PKK and the situation in Syria." Addressing claims that Turkey might withdraw its support for Northern Cyprus following its rapprochement with Greece, Tatar dismissed such speculation: "That did not happen. Turkey is always behind us."

He reaffirmed Turkey’s unwavering support for the Turkish Cypriot people, emphasizing the importance of Turkey’s strong stance. "Being an independent Turkish state is our right. Regardless of international agreements, if you are a separate people, you have the right to self-determination," he stated.

Tatar also lamented the lack of unity among Turkish Cypriots, referencing past referendums: "The only thing missing among Turkish Cypriots is unity and solidarity. We said ‘yes’ to the Annan Plan, while they said ‘no.’ If our people had also rejected it back then, today, the two-state solution might have reached a point of recognition."

President Tatar further stressed that the Turkish Cypriots’ right to sovereignty is now recognized globally and that this has led to a new political status. He asserted that the TRNC must be acknowledged as a sovereign state and emphasized the continued importance of cooperation with Turkey.

Regarding the EU process, Tatar noted that the two-state structure is being advocated, despite opposition from some quarters. He also argued that Turkey’s non-membership in the EU should not hinder the TRNC’s engagement with the bloc.

Addressing the EU’s focus on Cyprus, Tatar pointed out that climate change measures should be taken in Northern Cyprus as well, stating that implementing measures only in the South would create weaknesses.

Referring to Turkey’s proposals on water and energy sharing, Tatar suggested that Northern and Southern Cyprus could be connected via an interconnected system. "Turkey proposes that we share water. Another pipeline could be built. The same goes for fuel. The South cannot connect to the EU grid. Turkey could connect within three months. We will bring these issues up in Geneva," he said.

"Crossings Have Surpassed 8 Million and Continue to Increase"

Discussing the opening of border crossings, Tatar highlighted congestion issues in Northern Cyprus, particularly at the Metehan checkpoint. He mentioned his proposals to open the Haspolat and Akıncılar crossings and conveyed these suggestions to the Greek Cypriot side. He noted that annual crossings have surpassed 8 million and are expected to increase further.

Tatar elaborated:

"We opened crossings so that Greek Cypriots from Piro could travel to the South. Our people do not use these crossings. Each crossing costs around $1 million per year. Now, it is our turn. There is congestion at Metehan. People are waiting in long queues for hours. The entire area is under construction, and traffic is increasing. If a checkpoint were opened in Haspolat, everyone would benefit. The Greek Cypriots want transit crossings, but this raises concerns. It is a risky move and could have ulterior motives. I suggested opening the Akıncılar crossing. Despite some issues, I received approval and conveyed this to the Greek Cypriot side. I said, 'Let's open both Haspolat and Akıncılar.' The proposal came from me."

"The Greek Cypriot Approach Contradicts the Spirit of the Cyprus Issue"

Criticizing the Greek Cypriot side’s policy of arrests, Tatar argued that such actions contradict the essence of the Cyprus issue. He emphasized the presence of a legitimate authority in Northern Cyprus that must be recognized.

"The number of crossings has exceeded 8 million annually and continues to rise. By 2025, it will approach 9 million. The total population of Cyprus, North and South combined, is around 1.5 million. The Greek Cypriots have yet to provide a clear response regarding the crossings," he said.

Tatar also underscored the significance of being invited to the Geneva talks, stating that he has clearly presented his political stance during these discussions.

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