reading time: 1 min.

Temperatures to Rise Throughout the Week, Reaching Up to 30°C

Temperatures to Rise Throughout the Week, Reaching Up to 30°C

Temperatures will continue to rise throughout the week, increasing by 3-4°C and reaching between 27-30°C.

Publish Date: 10/03/25 15:59
reading time: 1 min.
Temperatures to Rise Throughout the Week, Reaching Up to 30°C
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According to the Meteorology Department, the weather will be partly cloudy throughout the week. However, foggy conditions are expected in some areas during the morning hours on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.

The highest temperatures will range between 23-26°C in the first half of the period and 27-30°C in the second half, affecting both inland and coastal regions.

Winds will initially blow from the north and west but will shift to the north and east in the following days, generally remaining light to moderate.

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