Christodoulides: "I Am Going to Geneva with Concrete Proposals"

Cyprus President Nikos Christodoulides stated that he would present concrete proposals at the multilateral conference in Geneva on March 17-18, emphasizing, "We have two choices: either we continue talking about Turkish intransigence, or we do everything possible to end the occupation and reunite our homeland."

According to Fileleftheros and other newspapers, Christodoulides reiterated yesterday that he would present "concrete proposals" at the upcoming Geneva conference.
"We are going to Geneva with a specific plan, with concrete proposals to be submitted at the negotiation table," Christodoulides stated.
Emphasizing the decisive nature of bilateral meetings, particularly those with the UN Secretary-General, Christodoulides added, "We have two options: either we keep discussing Turkish intransigence, or we do everything in our power to end the occupation and reunify our homeland."
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