reading time: 2 min.

Two-Day Extension for Human Trafficking Suspects' Detention

Two-Day Extension for Human Trafficking Suspects' Detention

Seven individuals, including truck driver İbrahim Can Atik, who were arrested for smuggling an Afghan family into the country inside a truck trailer at the Kyrenia Tourism Port, will remain in custody for an additional two days.

Publish Date: 13/03/25 14:05
reading time: 2 min.
Two-Day Extension for Human Trafficking Suspects' Detention
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The suspects—Muharrem Korkmaz, Kadir Mıdık, Hasan Uyar, Muhammet Özmen, Kenan Sarıoğ, Hasan Başara, and Atik—appeared in court yesterday as the police requested an extension of their detention.

Police officer Mehmet Dağdelen, assigned to the Criminal Investigation Unit of Kyrenia Police Directorate, presented the case details in court.

According to police reports, on February 25, 2025, at approximately 14:46, Atik and the other suspects, along with two additional unidentified individuals under an outstanding arrest warrant, smuggled a family of six—mother, father, and four children—into the country inside the trailer of a MAN-branded truck with license plate TPE 595. The police stated that the suspects engaged in human trafficking for financial gain.

Authorities seized eight mobile phones belonging to the suspects as evidence. Further investigations revealed that on February 26, 2025, Atik used another vehicle with license plate TPG 027 to drop off the smuggled family in the vicinity of the crime scene. Atik admitted to his crime, stating that Korkmaz had proposed the scheme and that he had taken a photograph of the family at the drop-off point, sending it to Korkmaz as proof.

The police noted that the investigation remains ongoing, with further phone examinations, security camera footage analysis, and the search for additional suspects still underway. Based on these findings, the police requested a two-day extension of the suspects' detention.

Presiding Judge Evren Mürsel granted the request, ordering the suspects to remain in custody for another 48 hours.

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