reading time: 2 min.

Christodoulides says 'If there is a will, I am ready' before the informal meeting

Christodoulides says 'If there is a will, I am ready' before the informal meeting

Greek Cypriot Leader Nikos Christodoulides expressed his readiness to resume Cyprus negotiations, stating, "If there is a will, I am ready," ahead of the Geneva summit attended by both Cypriot sides and guarantor powers.

Publish Date: 18/03/25 15:20
reading time: 2 min.
Christodoulides says 'If there is a will, I am ready' before the informal meeting
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Greek Cypriot leader Nikos Christodoulides, before attending the summit in Geneva, told reporters, "If there is a will, I am ready" expressing his determination to restart negotiations.

Greek Cypriot media reported that the summit, held today, was attended by senior representatives from both sides of Cyprus, as well as from the guarantor countries Greece, Türkiye, and the United Kingdom, with an EU representative observing the meeting from the sidelines.

Christodoulides had a bilateral meeting with UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres earlier on Tuesday. During the meeting, he presented "specific proposals and suggestions" that could contribute to the resumption of Cyprus negotiations.

As he approached the conference venue, Christodoulides reiterated to reporters, "If there is a will, I am ready" before entering the Palais des Nations building where the conference is taking place.

Greek Cypriot Government Spokesman Konstantinos Letymbiotis stated that during his meeting with Guterres, Christodoulides thanked the UN Secretary-General for his continuous personal commitment to restarting the negotiations and for organizing the multilateral meeting.

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