reading time: 1 min.

Fund Managers Expect Russia’s Assets to Remain Closed to Western Investors

Fund Managers Expect Russia’s Assets to Remain Closed to Western Investors

The Capital Markets Board (SPK) has announced a series of measures amid volatility in financial markets, including a ban on short-selling on Borsa Istanbul.

Publish Date: 25/03/25 11:36
reading time: 1 min.
Fund Managers Expect Russia’s Assets to Remain Closed to Western Investors
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The SPK also eased limitations for share buybacks of listed companies.

The board said in a statement that it took these decisions to ensure the operation of the capital market in a reliable, transparent, efficient, stable and competitive environment, as well as the protection of investors.

The new measures will remain in place until the market closes on April 25.

Meanwhile, Borsa Istanbul also announced new measures for transactions on the stock exchange.

In the equity market, the Order-to-Trade Ratio (OTR) will be decreased from 5:1 to 3:1 during the period between March 24 and April 25, until the end of the session, it said in a statement on March 23.

The excess OTR fee will be increased from 0.25 Turkish Liras to 0.50 liras as of March 24, it said.


Source: HDN

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