reading time: 1 min.

Bank of England Launches 2025 Bank Capital Stress Test

Bank of England Launches 2025 Bank Capital Stress Test

The Bank of England on Monday launched its 2025 bank capital stress test for Britain’s seven largest and most systemic banks and building societies.

Publish Date: 25/03/25 11:40
reading time: 1 min.
Bank of England Launches 2025 Bank Capital Stress Test
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The results of the test, which checks if banks have enough capital to weather theoretical shocks, will be published in the fourth quarter of this year, the BoE said.

“The test involves a hypothetical stress scenario which will be used to assess the resilience of the UK banking system to deep simultaneous recessions in the UK and global economies, large falls in asset prices, higher global interest rates, and a stressed level of misconduct costs,” the Bank of England said in a statement.

The seven participating banks and building societies are: Barclays (BARC.L), HSBC (HSBA.L), Lloyds Banking Group (LLOY.L), Nationwide, NatWest Group (NWG.L), Santander UK (SAN.MC) and Standard Chartered (STAN.L).

Those financial institutions represent 75 per cent of lending to the real economy, the BoE said.


Source: HDN 

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