reading time: 2 min.

Two Fatalities in Traffic This Week, 14 Drivers Arrested!

Two Fatalities in Traffic This Week, 14 Drivers Arrested!

A total of 68 traffic accidents occurred in the TRNC last week, resulting in two fatalities and 28 injuries. Most of the accidents were caused by speeding, reckless driving, and failure to stop at intersections. Additionally, traffic inspections led to 188 vehicles being banned from the road and 14 drivers being arrested.

Publish Date: 25/03/25 13:11
reading time: 2 min.
Two Fatalities in Traffic This Week, 14 Drivers Arrested!
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According to the Police Press Bulletin, of the 68 accidents, two were fatal, 21 resulted in injuries, and 45 caused property damage, with total damages estimated at 4,318,250 TL.

The police report covering the period from March 17 to 23 showed that 27 accidents were due to speeding, 10 to reckless driving, 15 to failure to stop at intersections, 8 to tailgating, and 8 to other causes. The breakdown of accidents by region was as follows: 25 in Nicosia, 15 in Famagusta, 19 in Kyrenia, 5 in Güzelyurt, and 4 in İskele.


During the same period, 16,126 drivers were checked, resulting in legal action against 2,734 of them.

The violations recorded included:

  • 654 cases of speeding

  • 211 cases of speeding detected via mobile radar

  • 14 cases of dangerous driving

  • 37 cases of reckless driving

  • 164 cases of driving without a road tax license

  • 7 cases of driving without a license

  • 43 cases of driving under the influence of alcohol

  • 240 cases of using a mobile phone while driving

  • 75 cases of driving without a seatbelt

  • 110 cases of ignoring traffic signs

  • 135 cases of running red lights

  • 61 cases of driving without a valid vehicle inspection

  • 24 cases of driving without insurance or outside its coverage

  • 8 cases of operating passenger transport vehicles without a "T" business permit

  • 10 cases of operating private transport vehicles without a "B" business permit

  • 30 cases of applying vision-obstructing window film to vehicles

  • 1 case of riding a motorcycle without a helmet

  • 20 cases of violating lighting regulations or driving with inadequate lighting

  • 1,101 other traffic violations.

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