Tatar: Holguin Likely to Be Appointed as Personal Representative

Evaluating the Geneva Summit, President Ersin Tatar stated that Maria Holguin will likely be appointed as the Personal Representative of the UN Secretary-General. President Tatar responded to questions on Ada TV.

Regarding the statement by UBP leader and Prime Minister Ünal Üstel, "This is a presidential election, and we will support Tatar," Tatar said that Üstel expressed a shared understanding.
Tatar added, "I thank him. Although I would like to run as the UBP candidate, as President, I may need to run as an independent due to the requirement of impartiality. What I truly hope for is to be the common candidate of all political parties supporting the new politics we have presented."
Commenting on the Geneva Summit, Tatar reiterated that Maria Holguin will most likely be appointed as the Personal Representative of the UN Secretary-General.
Tatar further emphasized, "The job description is more important than the name. We insisted on her being the Personal Representative, not the Special Representative. The discussions regarding finding a negotiating ground between the parties have ended. The Personal Representative will assist on the eight cooperation issues until the summit in July."
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