reading time: 1 min.

Yılmaz: "We Support a Two-State Solution in Cyprus"

Yılmaz: "We Support a Two-State Solution in Cyprus"

Turkish Vice President Cevdet Yılmaz has reiterated Turkey’s support for a two-state solution in Cyprus that safeguards the rights of both communities.

Publish Date: 27/03/25 13:36
reading time: 1 min.
Yılmaz: "We Support a Two-State Solution in Cyprus"
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"We advocate a two-state solution," Yılmaz stated, emphasizing that such an approach would contribute to stability and security on the island.

Speaking on a live broadcast on HaberTürk TV, Yılmaz also underlined that the European Union remains a strategic objective for Turkey. "Full membership in the EU is still a strategic goal for us," he said.

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