Fires in Five Different Areas Cause Property Damage

Fires broke out in Tirmen, Famagusta, Kyrenia, Lapta, and Güzelyurt, resulting in property damage. Most of the fires were extinguished by firefighters, while police launched investigations into the incidents.

Fire at Residence in Tirmen
The first fire occurred around 14:30 in Tirmen’s Habib Street, in the utility room of a residence. The blaze started when flames from a tandoor oven spread to nearby household items. As a result, a chair, table, door, and wooden panels were damaged, along with 17 metal panels due to heat and smoke. Firefighters managed to extinguish the flames, and an investigation was launched.
Electrical Short Circuit Causes Fire in Famagusta
The second fire broke out at around 23:00 in Famagusta’s Karanfil Street, inside the bedroom of a residence. The blaze was caused by an electrical short circuit in an extension cord, setting the furniture on fire. A mattress, a coffee table, and the extension cord were destroyed, while smoke and heat caused damage to the walls of the bedroom and hallway. A resident who inhaled smoke was treated at the hospital and later discharged.
Kyrenia Fire Linked to Air Conditioner Malfunction
Another fire, also at 23:00, was reported in Kyrenia’s Turunçlu Street, where an air conditioner short-circuited and caught fire in a living room. The flames damaged home appliances, furniture, an aluminum sliding door, electrical installations, and kitchen cabinets. The walls of the house were also blackened by smoke. Firefighters intervened and brought the fire under control.
Cooking Oil Ignites in Lapta
The fourth fire occurred around 01:00 in Lapta’s Şehit İbrahim Nidai Street, inside an apartment kitchen. The fire started when cooking oil overheated on a gas stove, setting the surrounding area ablaze. The flames damaged kitchen countertops, home appliances, and various utensils. Smoke and heat also blackened the walls of the residence. Firefighters quickly extinguished the fire, and an investigation was launched.
Car Fire in Güzelyurt
The final fire took place around 02:00 in Güzelyurt on İrfan Nadir Boulevard. A fire broke out in the engine compartment of a moving vehicle belonging to Remzi Hürkol, likely due to an electrical malfunction. The vehicle’s wiring and hoses were damaged, while the windshield cracked, and the hood sustained fire damage. Firefighters extinguished the flames, and police are investigating the incident.
Authorities continue their investigations into all five fires.
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