reading time: 1 min.

Putin Says US Plan to Take Over Greenland 'Serious'

Putin Says US Plan to Take Over Greenland 'Serious'

Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday that Russia is taking seriously the words of U.S. President Donald Trump about the possible annexation of Greenland.

Publish Date: 28/03/25 11:35
reading time: 1 min.
Putin Says US Plan to Take Over Greenland 'Serious'
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Speaking at the International Arctic Forum in Murmansk, Putin reminded that similar plans were voiced in the 19th century, but then the Congress opposed President Andrew Johnson's plans.

"This may surprise someone only at first glance. And it is a deep mistake to believe that these are some kind of extravagant conversations of the new American administration. Nothing like that," he said.

Putin described plans of the American side regarding Greenland as "serious."

"These plans have long-standing historical roots, and it is obvious that the United States will continue to systematically promote its geostrategic interests in the Arctic," he stressed.


Source: Reuters 

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