Journalists’ Association: TAK’s Decision Not to Cover KTOEÖS Protest Violates Press Freedom

The Cyprus Turkish Journalists’ Association (KTGB) has strongly condemned the Turkish Agency Cyprus (TAK) for its decision not to report on a demonstration held by the Cyprus Turkish Secondary Education Teachers’ Union (KTOEÖS) in front of the Embassy of Turkey.

The association labeled this as a violation of press freedom and called on authorities to uphold their responsibilities in ensuring an impartial and independent media.
"Suppressing Information Is an Attack on the Public’s Right to Know"
In a written statement, KTGB emphasized that the fundamental duty of the press is to provide the public with accurate, impartial, and comprehensive information.
"Suppressing or ignoring an event is an intervention against society’s right to learn the truth," the statement read, highlighting that media institutions are responsible for ensuring that all segments of society have a voice.
The association described TAK’s decision as an act of censorship and warned that such practices raise serious ethical concerns regarding media independence and integrity.
"Publicly Funded Agencies Must Serve All of Society"
KTGB also reminded that TAK, as a state-funded news agency, has an obligation to report on all relevant developments rather than selectively omitting coverage.
"A publicly financed news agency has no right to censor voices from different segments of society," the association stressed.
The statement further revealed that KTGB had lodged a formal complaint with TAK and had assigned its representative, Artun Çağa, to conduct an in-depth investigation into the matter.
"Press Freedom Is Crucial for a Functioning Democracy"
Expressing concern that selective reporting undermines public trust in the media, KTGB called on all news outlets to uphold journalistic principles and safeguard the right to information.
The association urged TAK to rectify its approach and warned against the repetition of similar incidents, concluding with a firm commitment:
"As the Journalists’ Association, we will continue to defend press freedom and the public’s right to access information with unwavering determination."
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