reading time: 1 min.

Özkıraç Resigns from KIB-TEK Chairmanship

Özkıraç Resigns from KIB-TEK Chairmanship

Just days after his appointment as Chairman of the Board of Directors at the Cyprus Turkish Electricity Authority (KIB-TEK), former EL-SEN President Kubilay Özkıraç has announced his resignation.

Publish Date: 28/03/25 13:53
reading time: 1 min.
Özkıraç Resigns from KIB-TEK Chairmanship
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Speaking to Kıbrıs Postası regarding his decision, Özkıraç stated, "I resigned to protect the institution."

Highlighting the political debates that followed his appointment, Özkıraç emphasized that he stepped down to prevent KIB-TEK from being further dragged into political controversy. "Everything I have done until now has been for the institution, and once again, I am acting to protect it by stepping down," he said.

His resignation comes amid ongoing discussions about the future of KIB-TEK, with increasing calls for structural reforms and depoliticization of the institution.

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Levent Kutay
Levent KUTAY'dan

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