217 Foreign Nationals Granted Property Purchase Permits

The Council of Ministers has granted 217 foreign nationals permission to purchase immovable property in the TRNC.

According to the decision published in the Official Gazette, the permits were issued under the Immovable Property Acquisition and Long-Term Lease (Foreigners) Law No. 52/2008.
The decision states:
"In light of the provisions outlined in the proposal, and in accordance with the Immovable Property Acquisition and Long-Term Lease (Foreigners) Law No. 52/2008, the Council of Ministers has decided to grant the necessary permits to 217 foreign nationals, whose names and property details are listed in the annex, provided that the properties in question are not subject to any restrictions."
Suç teşkil edecek, yasadışı, tehditkar, rahatsız edici, hakaret ve küfür içeren, aşağılayıcı, küçük düşürücü, kaba, müstehcen, ahlaka aykırı, kişilik haklarına zarar verici ya da benzeri niteliklerde içeriklerden doğan her türlü mali, hukuki, cezai, idari sorumluluk içeriği gönderen Üye/Üyeler’e aittir.