reading time: 3 min.

Family of Anthony Bolger Claims Prison Death Was 'Murder'

Family of Anthony Bolger Claims Prison Death Was 'Murder'

The family of Anthony Edward Bolger, a 75-year-old man who died after falling ill while in prison, has accused authorities of negligence and announced plans to take legal action. Bolger, who was hospitalized from prison but later passed away, allegedly did not receive proper medical care, and his family insists that his death was preventable.

Publish Date: 28/03/25 13:58
reading time: 3 min.
Family of Anthony Bolger Claims Prison Death Was 'Murder'
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Bolger's son, Umut Düzdaban, voiced his outrage on social media, blaming prison authorities for his father's death. He claimed that despite Bolger's severe Parkinson’s disease, he was denied proper medical attention, and his transfer to a hospital was repeatedly blocked.

"Medical reports clearly stated that my father could not stay in prison due to his serious health condition. Yet, he was sentenced. His medication was not given regularly, and his transfer to the hospital was delayed. Those responsible for this are accountable for his death," Düzdaban declared.

"Repeated Pleas for Help Were Ignored"

Düzdaban alleged that the family had made numerous appeals to prison authorities, warning about Bolger’s deteriorating health. "We submitted official petitions, sent private messages, and called the prison administration countless times. No one responded. Even on his final day, prison doctors said he 'did not need' to go to the hospital," he stated.

"Prison Conditions Led to His Death"

Criticizing the inadequate healthcare in prison, Düzdaban claimed that there was no proper medical supervision and that sick prisoners were left to suffer. "Prison doctors lack the necessary equipment for urgent intervention. Medication is not monitored, and inmates are abandoned to die. Even with my father’s condition, they kept him there," he added.

Legal Action to Be Taken

The Bolger family announced plans to file a criminal complaint against prison officials, doctors, and all responsible authorities, accusing them of gross negligence leading to death.

Only the Interior Minister Intervened

According to Düzdaban, Interior Minister Dursun Oğuz was the only government official who responded to their calls for help. "He was the only person who ensured my father was finally transferred to the hospital," he acknowledged.

Bolger Was Imprisoned for a Fatal Traffic Accident

Anthony Edward Bolger had been jailed following his involvement in a fatal traffic accident in Karşıyaka. His family argues that, given his severe health condition, he should not have been held in prison and that his incarceration ultimately led to his death.

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