reading time: 2 min.

Headscarf Controversy at İrsen Küçük Secondary School Sparks Reactions

Headscarf Controversy at İrsen Küçük Secondary School Sparks Reactions

Despite the recent withdrawal of changes to the Disciplinary Regulation, a controversy arose at İrsen Küçük Secondary School when a student attended school wearing a headscarf.

Publish Date: 28/03/25 14:00
reading time: 2 min.
Headscarf Controversy at İrsen Küçük Secondary School Sparks Reactions
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Following this incident, Tahir Gökçebel, the General Secretary of the Cyprus Turkish Secondary Education Teachers' Union (KTOEÖS), made a public statement, urging, "Keep your hands off our schools and our children."

Gökçebel: School Administration Facing Pressure

Gökçebel emphasized that, despite the retraction of the changes to the Disciplinary Regulation, the school administration was still being pressured. He stressed that the principles of secularism and Atatürkism are non-negotiable for society, yet intervention in the school administration’s authority continues. He stated, “The children are being pressured. The 700 students are being mistreated and exploited.” Gökçebel also accused the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Education and the Director of the Secondary Education Department of pressuring the school principal. He pointed out that the principal's health had deteriorated, adding, “Our principal could have died there.”

Gökçebel Criticizes Turkey's Embassy in Nicosia

Gökçebel also directed his criticism towards Turkey’s Embassy in Nicosia, stating, “This is Cyprus. It has its own education, culture, and religion. You must show respect, or you should leave this country.”

Eylem: We Will Not Succumb to Pressure

KTOEÖS General Secretary Selma Eylem also spoke out about similar pressures at Bekirpaşa High School. She emphasized that teachers and school administrators will resist these interventions. “Neither the teachers nor the school management will succumb to pressure or threats. Keep your hands off our schools and our children,” she declared.

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