reading time: 4 min.

PM Üstel: We Are Here to Ensure These Pains Don't Happen Again in the Future

PM Üstel: We Are Here to Ensure These Pains Don't Happen Again in the Future

Prime Minister Ünal Üstel emphasized that what turns natural disasters into disasters are vital mistakes made by people, stating, "We are here to ensure these pains don't happen again in the future." Prime Minister Ünal Üstel made a statement to the press in front of Adıyaman Justice Palace before the trial of the Isias Hotel case.

Publish Date: 03/01/24 11:51
reading time: 4 min.
PM Üstel: We Are Here to Ensure These Pains Don't Happen Again in the Future
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Stating that they are here with a team of nearly 100 people to follow these cases, Üstel spoke as follows:

"It has been about 1 year since the disaster of the century occurred on February 6, 2023. However, our pain has not ended.

It is a tragedy that approximately 50 thousand individuals of our nation lost their lives, and unfortunately, 50 thousand lives, including the citizens of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, our champion angels, came to an end within minutes.

Losing our Champion Angels in the earthquake increased our pain. On this occasion, I offer my condolences to the families of our dearly departed citizens who lost their lives in the earthquake.

I wish urgent healing to the wounded affected by the earthquake."

Emphasizing that natural disasters are a fact of life, Prime Minister Üstel said, "However, what turns natural disasters into disasters are vital mistakes made by people. We are here to ensure these pains don't happen again in the future."

Pointing out that they came to Adıyaman with an approximately 100-person team to follow the cases, Prime Minister Üstel said, "I am here as the Prime Minister. Our ministers, the leader of the main opposition, our deputies, our bar association, and our prime ministry team are also here. The representatives of the families of our champion angels who lost their lives are here as well. I believe this team is a concrete indication of how sensitively we approach this issue as a country."

Highlighting the importance of the Isias Hotel case, Prime Minister Üstel emphasized that the Isias Hotel case is a common cause for everyone living in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.

Reiterating their trust in Turkish justice, Prime Minister Üstel continued as follows:

"Because justice is the basis of property. The property here is the state. If there is no justice, there can be no state either. Therefore, I believe that after a fair trial, everyone responsible will receive the punishment they deserve in accordance with the laws. Know that; when the criminals receive the heaviest penalties they deserve, the punishments given here will be an important lesson for those who may attempt such crimes in the future."

Expressing his gratitude to the people of Adıyaman for their hospitality and their close interest shown to them until now and expected to continue until the 6th, Prime Minister Ünal Üstel said, "I would like to thank our Governor, our mayor, and our team for their close attention."

Prime Minister Üstel wished a speedy recovery for Adıyaman and all cities affected by the earthquake, expressing his condolences to those who lost their lives in the earthquake and wishing urgent healing for the wounded. Prime Minister Üstel also expressed his hope that the wounds would be healed as soon as possible.

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