reading time: 3 min.

Lawyer Akan Kürşat Objects to Extradition to South Cyprus During Court Hearing in Italy

Lawyer Akan Kürşat Objects to Extradition to South Cyprus During Court Hearing in Italy

Turkish Cypriot lawyer Akan Kürşat, who is accused in connection with Greek Cypriot properties in North Cyprus and is currently detained in Italy, objected to being extradited to South Cyprus during a court hearing in Rome yesterday.

Publish Date: 17/01/24 13:11
reading time: 3 min.
Lawyer Akan Kürşat Objects to Extradition to South Cyprus During Court Hearing in Italy
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According to Politis newspaper's report titled "Akan Kürşat Objects to Extradition - Says He Fears for His Life Because Turkish Cypriots Were Killed in Central Prison," Kürşat objected to being extradited to South Cyprus during yesterday's court hearing in Rome, and as a result, his detention was extended until the hearing of the objection on February 6.

In his objection presented during the court session, Kürşat referred to the murder of Turkish Cypriot Tansu Çıdan in October 2022 while he was detained in the Central Prison in South Cyprus, stating that he would not feel safe if held in the Central Prison.

The Alithia newspaper also covered the news with the headline "Turkish Cypriot Lawyer Objects to Extradition to the Republic of Cyprus."

Bar Association's Statement

In another news piece in Haravgi newspaper, President of the Cyprus Bar Association, Mihalis Vorkas, mentioned that an investigation is in the early stages regarding a company where a Turkish Cypriot lawyer and a Greek Cypriot lawyer are mentioned as partners in property transactions in Northern Cyprus.

Vorkas emphasized that no one can offer such services without obtaining a license from the Bar Association and cannot advertise providing such services. He mentioned a limited company that does not have a law firm but advertises providing such services, claiming to have an office in Northern Cyprus.

Vorkas stated that the Bar Association, as an institution, has undertaken to investigate the entire matter. If a real connection with this illegal procedure is detected, the Bar Association Disciplinary Board will initiate a hearing. Vorkas also noted that the Turkish Cypriot lawyer, who is a member of the Bar Association, has requested communication in the Turkish language, and therefore, translations of relevant notifications are necessary.

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