reading time: 7 min.

Ulaş Barış writes..."Right-Left, Political Ineffectiveness..."

Ulaş Barış writes..."Right-Left, Political Ineffectiveness..."

Kıbrıs Postası columnist Ulaş Barış writes about Akan Kürşat case and political ineffectivness of the TRNC politics.

Publish Date: 24/01/24 14:11
reading time: 7 min.
Ulaş Barış writes..."Right-Left, Political Ineffectiveness..."
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In yesterday morning's Kıbrıs Postası TV program hosted by Gökhan, Ersin Tatar, who appeared as a guest, stated, 'The Greek Cypriot properties in the TRNC have been nationalized. They now belong to the TRNC.'

In the Cabinet meeting held last Friday, permissions for immovable properties were granted to an additional 370 foreigners!

While government officials boastfully express their outrage and deliver patriotic speeches, sectors are in panic, seeking solutions to the situation. At the same time, the top officials of the state are fanning the flames just like in the two incidents I mentioned above.

I am referring to the Akan Kürşat incident and the political ineffectiveness surrounding it.

As you may know, the trial has been postponed until February 6. The Italian court will examine the documents sent to them. As I mentioned before, the accusations go beyond buying and selling Greek Cypriot property; there is also the involvement of black money due to the criminal nature of the act.

If the Italian court extradites Kürşat to the south and sentences him to prison, it will undoubtedly set a precedent. Consequently, the other individuals listed, totaling 110 according to claims, will also face penalties. We can somewhat guess who some of these individuals on the list might be. Former political figures may also be on those lists.

In essence, the situation and the current state of affairs point to the complete collapse of the entire property regime in the TRNC. This is because international legal rules are clear and well-defined.

And this situation has been deliberately brought about.

For the past two weeks, the phrase on everyone's lips from all political spectrums is: The solution is the Immovable Property Commission, i.e., IPC!

However, I find it amusing to hear these friends make such bold statements.

Because I have been closely following the process of the IPC, which has been dysfunctional for the past 10 years. During this time, I am aware that we have witnessed various governments from both the left and the right.

Imagine, using the calendar of educational proverbs, going back ten years to 2013 when the late İrsen Küçük was in power.

Then came Özkan Yorgancıoğlu's CTP. Next was Kalyoncu, then Hüseyin Özgürgün, and finally, in 2018, Tufan Erhürman...

After that, we experienced the foreign affairs ministry terms of Kudret Özersay, who was the master of these matters.

But what happened to the Greek Cypriots who reached an agreement with the IPC and gained the right to compensation during all these processes? They were not paid!

So, what did these prime ministers I listed do?

Nothing substantial!

Now, if you ask them, the answers are clear: "We were not alone!" "There was no funding!"

But suddenly, all of them are now saying, "IPC should be activated!"

Why didn't you activate it before? What if you had activated it? What if people had not exhausted the domestic legal route and then knocked on the door of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) again?

By the way, while we're on this topic, do you know what I think?

This; Now, the IPC was established by taking the domestic legal route, right? In that decision, the administration in Northern Cyprus was defined as the "subordinate administration" by the ECHR.

Hence, the frequently used term 'subordinate administration' originated from there.

Now, the question is: If the IPC is completely invalidated, and the Greek Cypriots resort to the ECHR, will this definition of the subordinate administration be valid for us?

Is it good for this definition to be valid, or is it not?

Is it good to remain in a stateless status?

I really don't know, but returning to our topic, while the government is dealing with the Akan Kürşat incident as I described above, what is our opposition doing?

For one, the CTP is experiencing stress due to the fact that the person in question is the wife of Fazilet Özdenefe, a deputy of their party. Those who know this are already writing in the government's media, saying, "Look, this is how the federationalists of the CTP are."

While the CTP cannot fully take ownership of the incident and tries to manage the situation with ambiguous statements, on the other hand, it is also dealing with mixed explanations.

Although I do not want to criticize Tufan Erhürman in every article, please, I am saying, please.

It cannot be that 'I do not say anything about this!'

I just remembered now, I cannot pass without mentioning it, but for God's sake, what was the explanation for the decision taken unanimously in the parliament on Monday regarding the transfer of Geçitkale to the Turkish Army Command?

Explaining why they voted 'yes' on the parliamentary podium, Tufan Erhürman said, "It will not be used as a military base," so they voted 'yes'!

How can it be that a place that is already a military base is given a 'yes' under the justification that it will not be a military base?

I am lost in this matter; maybe someone will explain the situation to me, so I leave it here.

Other than that, Special Representative Maria Angela Holguin Cuellar will be on the island next week...

While tensions have increased significantly between the parties due to this incident, I am also curious about the kind of start she will make.

But still, we should not darken the situation too much.

Because the only way to turn these negatives into positives, as mentioned in this article, is through a federal solution.

The solution is federation, and the path is the international legal path.

I hope everyone understands this and helps the Colombian..."

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