reading time: 1 min.

Employers Object to New Minimum Wage: Commission to Reconvene

Employers Object to New Minimum Wage: Commission to Reconvene

The Cyprus Turkish Employers' Union has filed an objection to the newly set minimum wage, which was determined last week.

Publish Date: 27/09/24 13:36
reading time: 1 min.
Employers Object to New Minimum Wage: Commission to Reconvene
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Employers had abstained from attending the meeting, arguing that the new wage undermines competitiveness. Following the conclusion of the objection period, the Minimum Wage Determination Commission will reconvene.

The union, representing employers, objected to the wage set at a net monthly amount of 35,180 TL and a gross of 40,436 TL.

According to information from the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, after the 10-day objection period ends tomorrow, the commission will meet again at the ministry's call to review the objection.

The employers had previously refrained from attending Wednesday’s meeting, claiming that "the current minimum wage level challenges competitiveness and a higher wage would entirely erode our competitive edge."

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