reading time: 1 min.

Erhürman Meets with Eichhorst and Gotoh in New York

Erhürman Meets with Eichhorst and Gotoh in New York

Republican Turkish Party (CTP) leader Tufan Erhürman held significant discussions in New York regarding the Cyprus solution process. He met with Angelina Eichhorst, Director-General for Europe and Asia at the European External Action Service, and Kayoko Gotoh, Director-General of the United Nations Europe and Central Asia Division.

Publish Date: 27/09/24 14:23
reading time: 1 min.
Erhürman Meets with Eichhorst and Gotoh in New York
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During the meeting, which took place on September 26 at the EU's Mission to the UN, they consulted on the Cyprus solution process and regional developments. Erhürman was accompanied by Foreign Relations Secretary Fikri Toros.

Additionally, Erhürman discussed the future of the Cyprus solution process with Gotoh, who was accompanied by Deputy Director-General Charles Kofi Anyidoho. This meeting, also held on September 26 at the UN headquarters, focused on the future of the Cyprus solution process in light of regional developments, with Toros again accompanying Erhürman.

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