Tatar: Denktaş's Will to "Never Relinquish Sovereignty and Statehood" Shared with International Community

On the 13th anniversary of Founding President Rauf Raif Denktaş’s passing, President Ersin Tatar paid tribute to the late leader during a commemoration ceremony at Denktaş’s Mausoleum.

Speaking at the event, President Tatar expressed admiration and longing for Denktaş, emphasizing his unwavering support for the Turkish Cypriot people during times of hardship and conflict.
“Throughout his life, Denktaş stood by his people against aggression and continuously argued in negotiations that the Turkish Cypriots are not a minority. He tirelessly pursued a solution based on sovereignty. His name is synonymous with the Turkish Cypriot cause on the international stage,” Tatar stated.
Highlighting Denktaş's resilience in the face of great challenges, Tatar remarked, “We take pride in commemorating such a leader.”
Tatar further noted that Denktaş’s parting words, urging the Turkish Cypriot people to “never relinquish sovereignty and statehood,” have been conveyed to the international community.
Concluding his remarks, Tatar offered prayers for Denktaş, saying, “May his soul rest in peace, and his place be in paradise.”
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